Pittston City Council Meeting Agenda – December 15, 2021
Please review the link for the City Council Meeting Agenda for the meeting on December 15, 2021.
Please review the link for the City Council Meeting Agenda for the meeting on December 15, 2021.
The City of Pittston’s Blighted Property Board will hold their next meeting on Wednesday, December 8 at 2:00PM in the Pittston City Hall Basement Conference Room.
Please visit this link to view the agenda: Blighted Property Board Meeting Agenda 12.8.21
Do you have the most festive house in the neighborhood? Let’s see it! The Pittston Office of Community Development invites Pittston residents to participate in our Holiday Home Decorating Contest. One winner will be chosen from the following categories:
To enter your home, please complete the following form. Deadline to submit entries is Wednesday, December 22nd. Winners will be announced on Thursday, December 23rd and prizes will distributed after the holiday!
Please review the link for the City Council Meeting Agenda for the meeting on November 17, 2021.
The Redevelopment Authority of the City of Pittston is inviting development teams (or a
developer) with experience in single family home rehabilitation to submit proposals for
the Rehabilitation Toward Homeownership for 65-67 ½ Parsonage Street, Pittston,
Pennsylvania (72-E11NE2-024-005-000).
All proposals for this project are due by 12:00Noon on Thursday, December 23, 2021.
For extensive information on this project and it’s requirements, please view the formal Request for Proposals below.
The Housing Authority of the City of Pittston requests proposals from qualified consulting firms to provide professional housing consulting services relative to the development of affordable homeownership and rental housing. The Authority intends to designate a consultant for the three year period 2022 through 2024. The Authority will enter into an indefinite quantity contract with the selected consultant.
View the Request for Proposals here.
The City of Pittston Blighted Property Board Meeting scheduled f0r Wednesday, November 10,2021 at 2:00PM in the City Hall Conference Room has been cancelled. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 8, 2021 at 2:00 PM in the City Hall Conference Room.
If you have any questions, please call (570)654-4601.
The Housing Authority of the City of Pittston is now accepting applications for housing.
Applications must be made in person at the Infantino Towers Building located at 500 Kennedy Blvd, Pittston PA between the hours of 9:00am-4:00pm. You must be over the age of 18 to apply and must bring the following items:
-Driver’s License/Identification Card
-Birth Certificate
-Social Security Card
-Proof of Income (social Security Award Statement(s), Pension, Unemployment Compensation Payments, Pay Stubs)
-3 Months’ worth of bank statements
Questions? Please call 570-655-3707.
Notice is hereby given that the City of Pittston will hold a public hearing on November 8, 2021, at 4 P.M. The Hearing will be held virtually. To join the Zoom Meeting please go to the following link:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 835 7796 1890
Or Call In at
(301) 715-8592
Meeting ID: 835 7796 1890
If you require special accommodations, please notify Joseph Chacke, Director of the Pittston Redevelopment Authority, at least 72 hours in advance at 570-654-4601 or jchacke@pittstonrda.com or TDD users 7-1-1 PA Telecommunications Relay Center.
The purpose of the hearing is to discuss the City’s proposed application for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG-CV) Cares Act Discretionary funds program. The City of Pittston intends to apply for $1,000,000.00 for housing rehabilitation funds to assist income qualifying, elderly and disabled households to age in place, preventing congregate living and those individuals and families with health-related issues that make them susceptible to the COVID-19 such as asthma, lead and other environmental conditions. The program will offer consultations related to COVID mitigation strategies at home through Preferred Care at Home of Pittston. This will be a regional program to include the City of Pittston and Boroughs: Avoca, Exeter, Hughestown, Taylor, Laflin, West Pittston, Wyoming, Dupont, Duryea, and Townships: Pittston and Jenkins.
In addition, the City of Pittston invites public input on a proposed modification to the CDBG-CV 1 Program. The City of Pittston will reallocate $77,700 from the Foreclosure Prevention Program and move the funds to pay for the replacement of 9 split unit systems at the Lincoln Heights Senior Center. HVAC work will include duct modifications, vent tie-in, flushing of refrigerant in lines and removal and disposal of old units to aid in COVID-19 mitigation strategies at the senior center.
All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing and give oral testimony at the public hearing or present written comments concerning the CDBG-CV Discretionary funds application or the CDBG-CV 1 modification. Comments may be submitted to the Pittston Redevelopment Authority, Attention Joseph Chacke at 35 Broad St. Pittston PA or jchacke@pittstonrda.com by November 9, 2021.
By order of the
City of Pittston
Michael Lombardo
Notice is hereby given that the City of Pittston will hold a public hearing on October 29, 2021 at 4 P.M. The Hearing will be held virtually. To join the Zoom Meeting please go to the following link:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 839 3112 5023
Dial by your location
+1 646 558 8656
If you require special accommodations, please notify Joseph Chacke, Director of the Pittston Redevelopment Authority, at least 72 hours in advance at 570-654-4601 or jchacke@pittstonrda.com or TDD users 7-1-1 PA Telecommunications Relay Center.
The purpose of the hearing is to discuss the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG-CV) Cares Act program in general, the needs of the community that can be met with CDBG-CV funding, and the Needs Assessment and Coordination Plan.
The Coronavirus Aid, relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), provides additional CDBG funds to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the coronavirus pandemic. The funds may be used for CDBG eligible activities that meet one of the national objectives. The City intends to apply for housing rehabilitation funds to assist elderly and disabled households to age in place preventing congregate living and those individuals and families with health-related issues that make them susceptible to the COVID-19 such as asthma, lead and other environmental conditions.
If activities undertaken with grant funds would result in the displacement of families or individuals, then the City’s Anti-Displacement and Relocation Policy would be in effect. Also, the City would be responsible for replacing all low- and moderate-income housing units that may be demolished or converted as a result of using CDBG funds.
All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing and give oral testimony at the public hearing or present written comments concerning the needs of the community, and the CDBG-CV program in general. Proposals and comments may be submitted to the Pittston Redevelopment Authority, Attention Joseph Chacke at 35 Broad St. Pittston PA or jchacke@pittstonrda.com by November 3, 2021.
By order of the
City of Pittston
Michael Lombardo
Please review the link for the City Council Meeting Agenda for the meeting on October 20, 2021.
The City of Pittston Redevelopment Authority seeks proposals for appraisal services related to the implementation for the federal Community
Development Block Grant and HOME programs:
These contracts are 3-year contracts that would require appraising 2-3 homes per month. The authority is seeking both drive-by appraisals and full appraisal services. Timeliness of report turn-around is emphasized. The complete Request for Proposals including submission requirements and scope of services may be obtained by calling 570-654-4601 or e-mailing Shannon Bonacci Sbonacci@pittstonrda.com.
Responses must be received by the RDA at 35 Broad Street Pittston, PA 18640 no later than 1:00 P.M. on Monday, November 1, 2021. The RDA is an Equal Opportunity Employer. MBE/WBE and Section 3 businesses are encouraged to respond.
The City of Pittston’s Blighted Property Board will hold their next meeting on Wednesday, October 13th at 2:00PM in the Pittston City Hall Basement Conference Room.
Please visit this link to view the agenda: Blighted Property Board Meeting Agenda 10.13.21
The Pittston City Redevelopment Authority will hold their next meeting on Tuesday, October 5th at 6:00PM in the Pittston City Hall Basement Conference Room.
Please visit this link to view the agenda: RDA – AGENDA 10.5.21
The North East Pennsylvania Land Bank Authority will hold their next meeting on Monday, September 27th at 6:00PM in the Pittston City Hall Basement Conference Room.
Please visit this link to view the agenda: 9.27.2021 AGENDA
Pittston’s Community Development Office is pleased to announce our second Community Cookout taking place in West Park on Saturday, September 25th from 12:00PM-2:00PM. Come meet some City staff and enjoy the afternoon with your fellow residents! All are welcome!
Notice is hereby given by that the City of Pittston will hold its second public hearing for the 2021 CDBG application on Friday, October 1, 2021, at 4:00 P.M. The hearing will be held virtually. To join the Zoom Meeting, please go to
or call in
1-301-715-8592 US (Washington DC)
1-312-626-6799 US (Chicago)
1-646-558-8656 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 811 5740 9610
This meeting is accessible to persons with disabilities and/or persons with Limited English Proficiency. If you wish to attend and require special accommodations, please notify Joseph Chacke, Director of the Pittston Redevelopment Authority, at least 72 hours in advance at 570-654-4601 or jchacke@pittstonrda.com or TDD users 7-1-1 PA Telecommunications Relay Center.
The CDBG program is a state-administered federal grant program for local communities to do infrastructure and housing improvements that primarily benefit low- and moderate-income persons. The City of Pittston proposes to use the FY 2021 grant of $ 317,772 as follows:
Administration- $49,772
Rehabilitation at Lincoln Heights Senior Apartment- $200,000
Housing Acquisition for Blight -$68,000
Anyone having an interest in historic resources may also make themselves known and review and comment on the proposed activities. Those individuals will receive future notices regarding program activities and their potential impact on historic resources.
All interested parties are invited to attend the public meeting and give oral testimony at the public meeting or present written comments concerning the needs of the community, proposed CDBG activities, the prior use of funds, as well as the CDBG program in general. Comments may be submitted by October 11, 2021, to Joseph Chacke, City Hall, 35 Broad Street, Pittston, PA 18640 or jchacke@pittstonrda.com. City Council may approve the CDBG application at the general business meeting on October 20, 2021.
By order of
Michael Lombardo, Mayor