Pittston City Residents Reminded To Use New 2017-2018 Garbage Bag Stickers

Pittston City residents are reminded that the new light blue and white color 2017-2018 garbage bag stickers are now in effect. The new stickers were required to be used beginning May 29th.  One sticker must be affixed to each garbage bag for it to be collected. The maximum weight for a garbage bag is 30 pounds.The 2017-2018 Pittston City Garbage Stickers may be purchased at the City Treasurer’s Office at City Hall, 35 Broad Street, Monday-Friday 9am to 4pm.  Please bring your bill when you come to purchase the stickers.   For more information on purchasing the garbage stickers please go to the City Treasurer page

For additional information on garbage and recycling collection please go to the Street and Sanitation Department’s page on Garbage Collection and Recycling

Luzerne County Crime Watch Meeting

District Attorney Stefanie Salavantis has announced that the annual Luzerne County Crime Watch meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 12, 2017 at 6:00 P.M. in the County Council Meeting Room on the 1st Floor of the Luzerne County Main Courthouse located at 200 North River Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.  All crime watch groups are invited and encouraged to attend as well as members of the public.

The following are the guest speakers for the Meeting:

  1. Luzerne County Coroner William Lisman;
  2. Luzerne/Wyoming Drug & Alcohol Program Administrator Steven Ross;
  3. Luzerne County 911;
  4. Luzerne County Sheriff Brian Szumski;
  5. FBI Supervisory Special Agent-In-Charge Sean Quinn of the Scranton Office;
  6. Pennsylvania State Police;
  7. Luzerne County Drug Task Force Coordinator Daniel Mimnaugh;
  8. Luzerne County District Attorney Stefanie Salavantis; and
  9. Chiefs/Representatives from Law Enforcement Agencies throughout Luzerne County.

This event is being held in conjunction with National County Government Month with the focus being on Safe & Secure Counties.

Free Smoke Detectors


Up to 2 free smoke detectors per housing unit can be picked up at the Pittston City Fire Department at 20 Kennedy Street. (Not Kennedy Blvd!)

If you need help installing the smoke detector please telephone the fire department at 570-655-6663 and the fire department will make an appointment with you to install the smoke detector.

Pittston City Easter Egg Hunt To Be Held Saturday April 8

The Pittston City Easter Egg Hunt will be held Saturday April 8, 2017, at Jefferson Park at New Street and Cornelia Street in Pittston at 1:00 p.m. All Pittston City children up to age 12 are welcome. The Hunt is sponsored by Pittston City Fire Dept., Pittston City Police Dept., and Greater Pittston Regional Ambulance.

Learn more about the event at the City of Pittston’s Facebook page or the Easter Egg Hunt Event page

Garbage and Recycling Collection To Resume Next Week

Garbage and recycling collection will not take place for the rest of this week, due to the demand on our DPW to remove the massive amount of snow. Collection will resume on the normal schedule next week. We thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to dig out. 

Travel Restriction Imposed; Disabled Vehicles to be Towed

Pursuant to the Mayor’s Declaration of Emergency, the Chief of Police is hereby immediately restricting the operation of motor vehicles on city streets and alleys of the City of Pittston. Disabled and or parked vehicles obstructing on public streets and alleys will be towed at owner’s expense as deemed necessary and prudent for the public safety and welfare. Thank you for your immediate attention to this restriction.

No Garbage or Recycling Collection Tuesday March 14th Due to Winter Storm; Street Department Issues Travel & Parking Advisories

Due to the impending winter storm, the Pittston City Streets & Sanitation Department announces all garbage & recycling collection scheduled for Tuesday March 14th is cancelled. Weather permitting, the garbage and recycling scheduled for Tuesday collection will be collected Wednesday.  Further updates on changes to the collection schedule will be given after the storm.

Additionally, to the extent possible, the Street Department requests that if you can move your parked vehicles off the street, please do so to facilitate plowing.   Additionally, residents are advised to not travel during the storm or immediately after unless it is absolutely necessary.  Please stay clear of all working snowplows & other snow removal equipment. The Pittston City Street Department thanks you for your cooperation! Stay safe!

Motorist Advisory: South Main Street/East Frothingham Street

Motorists and residents are advised of ongoing roadwork on South Main Street at East Frothingham.  This is a city project to replace drains in the street along South Main Street to eliminate the long existing problem with ponding in the roadway near Underwood Lane during heavy rain.  Please use caution when traveling through this area during the construction.  Thank you.

2017 City Recycling & Refuse Collection Calendars Now Available

Printed copies of the 2017 Pittston City Recycling and Refuse Collection calendars are now available at City Hall, Pittston Memorial Library and the Pittston Senior Citizens Center or click on the link :   2017 Pittston City Recycling Calendar

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Hughestown Borough Refuse Stickers

Hughestown Borough residents who have their garbage collected by the Pittston City Street Department may now purchase 2017 garbage bag stickers in the Pittston City Treasurer’s Office, City Hall, 35 Broad Street, Monday-Friday 9:30am to 4:00pm. A packet of 60 stickers is $165.00 or a packet of 120 stickers is $300.00  The new stickers are yellow & white and must be used beginning Monday January 9, 2017.  Stickers may also be purchased by mail but mail delivery requires an additional $5.00 postage fee.  Thank you!